Monday, 9 May 2016

Let go of the past

This is actually a guest post from a friend of mine.

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Hey, got a thought last night and I just wondered why some things just get you annoyed. Have you ever been in a situation where you see you ex with someone and you feel either sad or angry and some people sometimes might be happy for them. Yeah that point where they go to the cinemas with someone else’ arm across them. That could be a lethal point. Your reaction speaks a lot about your maturity at  that point. If you feel angry then you they’re more happy than you are and it shows you haven’t grown out of the pain you felt when they left you. Poor you I must say. And if you feel sad, shows you miss them. You really want to be that person they have in their arms. And you still haven’t gotten over them. Poor you also but everyone feels this way. But if you feel happy for them, you feel indifferent about it, you have no hatred in your heart then you know you been mature about this. But I must say,  this hardly happens. You indeed have let go of the past and moved on. Good for you. But hey, having some butterflies in you stomach when you see that person you once loved approaching and you thinking of the best way to say hi and no get caught of guard, You Wanna  greet in such a way that you would show you don’t miss em though you do, is not a bad thing. Only shows the extent of how much you still have then I’m your heart. 
  But here is the thing. Sitting there all the time thinking of how good you could have been, ain’t gonna get you happiness. You Jess have to move on. Get over it! let it go! If someone breaks up with you cos they think you ain’t good enough for them, just let it go. You are unique in your own away and only your assessment of you makes the difference. You may not be good enough for them but you more than enough for someone better.  So it’s  okay to miss someone from your past but you have to let it go at some point and just move on. Be that you you have always wanted to be. No pressure. So remember, life is what you make of it, it’s the choices we make that spices it up. 



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